Group of Amusement Industry Companies to Host Product Showcase

A collection of vendors in the amusement and entertainment industry, including ourselves, are holding a virtual product showcase, titled “Amusement 360 Innovation Showcase”, on November 19, 2020 from 9:30am to 5:00pm EST.
Filling the IAAPA Expo Void
Due to the IAAPA Expo trade show being cancelled, most operators are struggling to discover the newest innovations, products, and services that can help their businesses. Operators could try to attend webinars from individual vendors, but this process is time consuming and fractured.
To fix this problem, more than 20 of the top vendors in the industry are working together to hold a combined product showcase event on November 19, 2020. This is a single event where operators and new entrepreneurs can watch live product demos, meet face-to-face with vendors in a virtual platform, and do research for their businesses.
“Some operators are making purchases and expanding right now, while others aren’t quite ready for that,” commented Danny Gruening, our VP of Marketing. “But in both cases, right now is the best time for business research and planning. We felt it was important to work with our partners to create this event to make the process easy and engaging for operators.”
Companies Involved in the Product Showcase
Creative Works is one of more than 20 companies showcasing their products and services at this free event, along with Amusement Products, Betson, CenterEdge Software, Cornerstone Architecture, Delta Strike, Embed, Galaxy Multi Rides, Hownd, Laserblast, Laserforce, Mini Melts, Party Center Software, Player One Amusement Group, Qubica AMF, Redemption Plus, SafePark USA, Shaffer Distributing, SureShot, Trainertainment, United Play, and Zone Laser Tag.
The virtual event allows existing and aspiring operators to connect with others, learn how to improve their offerings, and make a plan for what they want to add to their business.
All operators and new startups in the industry can register for free at