New Feature for Limitless: Virtual Reality AI Bots

Limitless VR, a free roam VR attraction with physical props and barriers in the playing space, just got a whole lot better with the introduction of a huge feature: virtual reality AI bots. These bots can be added to any game to increase the player count and improve the playing experience.

The Problem We Solved

This attraction comes in 6, 8, and 16 player size formats. When you’re running full capacity (or close to full capacity) games, the player experience is amazing. Think of it like laser tag or a PVP video game – the more players that are in the game, the more targets there are to shoot, which makes for a more fun experience.

Limitless VR Size Formats

But what happens when it’s a slower Tuesday and 2 people want to play? Previously, you would have to run a 1-on-1 game. And this type of game can be a pretty good experience, but we knew we could offer something better. And that’s where these bots come.

Now, you can add AI bots and simulate a full capacity game. This means every customer can have the best game experience possible, regardless of how busy your venue is. This is something that’s never been possible with a PVP experience like laser tag.

How AI Bots Work

You can use the simple operator tablet interface to add 1 or more bots into any game. These bots can move, evade, and shoot just like any human player. You have full control over the game type: teams or free for all. 

If we use the same 2-player example from before, you can choose if you want the players on the same team shooting all the bots, or if you want the players on separate teams while having their own bot teammates. This flexibility means you can create the experience that’s right for your operations and your customers.

Next Steps

Every feature we add is focused on making the attraction easier to operate, more immersive for guests, and even more fun to come back and play again. And we have plenty more updates coming in the future.

If you’re ready to learn how Limitless can engage customers and generate revenue at your venue, click below to Request a Quote today!