The Importance of a Reopening Video (With Examples)

As the world continues to work towards overcoming the COVID-19, many entertainment facilities are preparing to reopen their doors and welcome back guests.
A reopening video is a great way to instill confidence in your customers and show them what they can expect upon returning to your facility. It’s an opportunity for you to show off all the impressive safety measures and precautions that your facility is taking to make customers feel safe. Most importantly, YOU control the message.
Here are some ideas for what to include in a reopening video:
- Show enthusiasm, optimism and confidence. Let’s be honest: it’s a scary time for your customers and they might be worried and stressed about visiting your public facility again. Displaying joy and happiness from the first second of the video will help relieve worries that they have.
- Make the video fun. Again, you control the video, so have some fun with it! People view your business as a fun and exciting way to make memories. Keep your tone fun and relaxed. No one wants to watch a boring monotone video.
- Show what you’re doing. Perhaps most importantly, very carefully detail all of the measures that your facility is taking to keep it clean and functional. Talk about the cleaning processes you’ve implemented and why they will keep the customer safe.
- Deals/specials. Highlight any deals or specials that your business is running to get people back in the door. If you haven’t thought about this yet, running discounts or specials will catch the eye of the customer and attract more people to your place, if you have the financial flexibility to do so.
A Few Excellent Examples
Several entertainment businesses have done a great job of getting guests excited for their reopenings. As you’ll see, they don’t have to be professional-level quality of videos. A simple video of the operator or several people talking about what guests could expect is a great way to get people feeling excited and safe.
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