The Most Important Questions to Ask When Researching Mini Golf

So, you’re considering adding mini golf to your facility. Great! Now where do you start?
One of the first steps in the process will be doing research. Research can be overwhelming, and at times it will seem like there are countless mini golf companies that you can work with. How do you begin your research? How do you know what questions to ask to find the most important information about these companies?
That’s exactly where our resource comes in handy! In the presentation below, you’ll find the FIVE most important questions you should ask any mini golf company you’re considering working with.
This will help you get a crystal clear understanding of what each company offers, and help you make the best decision for your business.
Question 1
How big should my course be? How many holes?
There are a lot of variables. A lot of times, operators can get caught up in wanting to do 9 or 18 holes. But there’s a lot of flexibility with mini golf, especially if you have a uniquely-shaped space.
Companies who know what they are doing can deliver an amazing experience with 6 holes, or 8 holes, or 11 holes. If they tell you 9/18 holes or bust, then they may not be the right solution.
To view the rest of the questions and answers, click below to download the full presentation.
Download This Presentation to Learn The Most Important Questions To Ask When Researching Mini Golf
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If you’re interested in learning more about our Cosmic Golf, click here to download our free mini golf presentation.