Call for Speakers for Amusement 360 Events

We are accepting speaker and topic submissions for the 2021 Amusement 360 Events.
Amusement 360 is a multi-faceted education program that empowers operators to improve their businesses and their lives. In 2021, there will be two Amusement 360 Events. February 23-25 will be hosted virtually and August 24-26 will be hosted in-person in Indianapolis, IN.
Last year alone, Amusement 360 had more than 800 registrations, the majority of which were existing operators. Attendees came to these events to learn from experts, network, and gain the tools to survive the pandemic.
In 2021, these events will focus on how to set the foundation for future success and thrive in a post-Covid world. Industry experts, consultants, and operators are welcome to submit topics they feel would bring value to attendees.
“These events have continued to grow because we bring together a wide variety of speakers from across the industry,” commented Danny Gruening, our VP of Marketing. “This is your chance to reach hundreds of startups and operators. If you have new and innovative ideas to push the industry forward, please submit those topics.”
We’re looking for submissions that either impact operators right now or help them navigate the future. Some of the suggested topic areas include cash flow and accounting best practices, remarketing to existing customers, the evolution of food & beverage, leadership for managers and owners, building a positive company culture, and much more.
The deadline to submit is January 22, 2021. Speakers who are selected for the February event will be notified by Creative Works no later than January 29, 2021.
To learn more about the process and submit a topic, visit