How ValoArena is Designed for Repeat Play (We Are Creative Works)

One of the benefits of ValoArena mixed reality is that it doesn’t require any wearable technology. Players simply walk into the attraction and use their bodies as the controllers. This helps rotate games faster, and it makes the experience really intuitive.

This also makes it easy for you to operate. You can provide a great experience to guests of all ages without having to learn any complicated new technology. Plus you don’t need a full-time staff member to operate the attraction on slower days, reducing your labor costs.

ValoArena is designed to appeal to different age groups and encourage repeat play. The attraction has 6 different game titles to choose from: Groundfall, Runway Zero, Toywatch Island, Astro Blade, Operation: Money Grab, and Photo Bomb. Plus, within a game title, there are multiple difficulty levels. As the players improve their skill level, they can choose more difficult settings and increase the challenge.

If you’re interested in adding an exciting mixed reality attraction to your location-based entertainment center, we’re here to help! Request a quote and we’ll help you take your guest experience to a new level.