What We Have To Be Thankful For

Thinking Out Loud – Episode 19
This is the nineteenth episode in a series called Thinking Out Loud. In these videos, Armando Lanuti, the President of Creative Works, shares some of his thoughts on business, leadership, growth, operations, and anything else on his mind. Below is a transcript of some of the points he discusses in the video.
Hey everybody. I just wanted to send out a message as we head into the holidays.
We’re coming up on Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, whatever you may be celebrating this season. And, remember what we do this for.
As business owners, we all get into business for a reason. Sometimes, it’s for ourselves, sometimes it’s for our families, sometimes it’s for our friends. Whatever the case may be, remember why you’re doing it.
For instance, my “why” is to create an impact on those around me leaving them basically better than I found them and providing them opportunities that they may not have otherwise had.
And from that standpoint, that’s who I’m thankful for this holiday season. I’m thankful not only for the easy choice, the easy comment of my family, of course, my beautiful wife, my three sons but for all the members of our team at Creative Works that have just been through the last several years of amazing growth, new products, new verticals, and just new opportunities for all of us here on the team. We wouldn’t have been able to achieve that without that.
So think about who you’re thankful for. Why are you doing it? And make sure to take the time to tell them That’s the most important thing.
Sometimes it’s really easy to just think that they know that you’re thankful for them being a part of your lives. Or for the things that they do for you. But making sure that you make that intentional, conscious choice to thank those that are in your life that are providing an impact and that are providing you with the motivation to do what you do every day.
Thanks, and we’ll talk to you soon.
For more business and leadership tips, follow Armando Lanuti on Facebook and LinkedIn.