How to Increase Mini Golf Revenue – Podcast Episode 43

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Episode Description

In this episode of the Memory Makers Podcast, Danny Gruening and Russ Van Natta talk about how to increase Mini Golf revenue in family entertainment centers. They share ideas on how to use the attraction to fill odd spaces, keep guests entertained while waiting for other attractions, and appeal to all ages.

They discuss some of the latest innovations like projection mapping, tech advancements, larger-than-life props, and creative course designs to get guests to come back again and again. Don’t miss these practical insights on enhancing guest experiences and creating memorable moments!

Key Takeaways

  1. Maximize Space: Mini golf is a great way to utilize odd or underused spaces in your venue, turning them into engaging attractions.
  2. Appeal to All Ages: Mini golf is fun for guests of all ages, making it a versatile addition that can entertain families, teens, and adults alike.
  3. Innovative Trends: Incorporate the latest trends such as projection mapping to create a unique and memorable experience.
  4. Revenue Boost: Well-designed mini golf courses can increase guest satisfaction and boost your venue’s revenue by keeping visitors entertained and encouraging repeat visits. By having a higher quality product, you can change more for the experience.

Recent Mini Golf Installations

Grand Station Entertainment

Combat Ops Entertainment-Indy

Rainforest Black Light Golf & Arcade

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