Award winning ski resort appoints Creative Works for story-driven laser tag experience

November 14, 2017 – Mooresville, IN – We recently installed an immersive, story-driven laser tag experience in the award winning ski resort, Smuggler’s Notch. The Vermont-based resort was recently named by Ski Magazine as the #1 overall best resort of its kind in the eastern United States and Canada. Smuggler’s Notch added the new laser tag arena in February of this year, as well as the equally popular Lazer Frenzy arcade game.
“Smuggler’s Notch came to [360 Event] and they wanted to know about adding laser tag,” said creative experience broker Marsha Brentlinger. “They were planning to add a fun center to their resort. They did this because they have a captive market. Resorts are starting doing this; adding these types of facilities.”
The 2,880-square-foot arena has several custom props to emulate a forested and snowy terrains. A large, custom made wooden ski lift is placed in the center of the room to bring a piece of Smuggler’s Notch to the player’s experience. Moreover, raised platforms were installed to add elevated elements in the ice mountain-themed room. The arena was designed to match the narrative provided by the resort’s creative team. The arena’s pre-written narrative splits up to 24 players into two teams of Ice Warriors and Naysayers to battle over the fate of ‘The Notch’.
“They had committees that would work on that and put all of those stories together,” Brentlinger said. “They wanted this to be a real cohesive, story-driven experience.”
Part of our design philosophy is to realize the client’s vision while balancing industry best practices and playability. In turn, we communicate with our clients from inception to completion to develop attractions, as well as design, create and transform almost any themed elements imaginable.
“They were fun to work with and they knew what they wanted, which is always fun,” Brentlinger exclaimed. “The arena turned out to be customized for them and their client-base, and they are super pleased.”
Smuggler’s Notch Resort’s ‘FunZone 2.0’, which also contains a ninja obstacle course, rock climbing walls, an arcade and more, opened to the public late-March this year.
For more information on our laser tag arenas, click here.